Music to Enhance a Vision...

Whether your visions for music are of understatement or impact, Nancy Paolino & the Black Tie Band has the capability to fulfill your specifications for music as directed.
You will provide outstanding entertainment for guests with any musical preference because the Black Tie Band's appeal has great range. From the executives in corporate headquarters to overseas clients as well as those in sales, shipping and warehouse...the 20somethings to the 70somethings on your guest list will all appreciate the art of live performance as they listen and dance to the energy of this outstanding band. They will recognize the music of their own history as they cruise through the archives of one of the most extensive playlists of any live band...spanning the best music of the past six decades.
The most popular hospitality services in the area put their trust in the Black Tie Band because they know that the music will be quality and the execution flawless. The BTB knows the very specific rhythm required for corporate events, initiative retreats and fund raisers. It's not only about the music; it's about how and when the music is played as well. The flow of any event is critical to its success and this band understands its role in how it all unfolds. The experience and true professionalism of the BTB are why we are so well known in one of the most popular of all corporate event destinations – New England.
We understand that you have many choices when selecting entertainment for your event. We always recommend that you research your bands of interest well. The Black Tie Band performs live. There are bands that utilize pre-recorded tracks and "play along" with musical background in karaoke style. The Black Tie Band is a group of professional, full-time musicians that take pride in producing music in real time.
The BTB accepts only one booking per evening and would never dilute the band with "fill ins" to accomodate more than one event. Our players work together as a well rehearsed unit not as a group of musicians placed in a "custom taylored" ensemble. "Custom taylored," in this case, means utilizing musicians for an ensemble that may have never worked together before.
Your goal for providing the right music for your event will be met because you'll be in close contact with Nancy acting as band leader and working with dedicated musicians who understand that their services are an integral part of an overall synergy. We play a part of an event with one target goal – your satisfaction.
Song Samples